
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Flying with kids

A few weeks ago I talked a little bit about our flight to SLC with Henry.  We had flown a lot with Henry but it had been a while and this was our first flight at an age that he wants to be moving all the time.

When Henry was younger I had flights worked out.   Most of the time we would fly at night, this was tough on who was picking us up because it was late but Henry would sleep.  I could get through security lines quicker than someone who was alone and I had milk, stroller, and baby.  I even had one guy ask if he could go in front of me because I was going to be awhile.  It was pretty entertaining when I was standing there waiting on him.  Henry would sleep through the whole flight it was heaven.
I thought I could easily get through a flight with Henry now, I did it easily when Henry was younger (right!).   I wanted to be prepared (maybe a little over prepared) I downloaded movies to the ipad, bought kids headphones, got lots of stickers, and lots of snacks.  I bought Henry a Melissa & Doug Trunki to keep all his flight stuff in.  I thought about a backpack but felt that would be too heavy for him.   We decided to fly around lunch which is Henry’s nap time.
Image from Trunki website.  This give you an idea, this obviously is not Henry

So we are off, I got my purse that had both mine and Ryan’s flight necessities, a diaper bag, and Henry’s Trunki.  WHAT! 3 bags I am crazy what was I thinking.  No leg room for us, ugh mistake number 1.   We always get to the airport with 2 hours before our flight.  This is perfect we have time to let Henry burn some energy (wave bye bye to planes).  We can get food if we need it.  Then this is where I made mistake number 2, if his feet can’t touch the ground (like in picture above) don’t pull him on the Trunki.  Let’s just say thank goodness for the lady who had an extra zip lock bag for me to put ice on Henry’s head.   Henry was fine no blood just a few seconds of cuddle time and he was off again waving bye bye!  We had tested out the headphones a few weeks before the flight and he didn't mind them.  Of course once we get on the flight he was no longer interested in watching movies and definitely didn't want to wear the headphones.  For those of you that really know me you know I was sick on all that money I just wasted on the headphones and movies, 30 dollars down the drain.  Henry wasn't loud and really didn't bother anyone, he did walk the aisle a few times holding my hand (seat belt sign was off) but Mom and Dad were exhausted by the end of the flight.

On the flight home it was a different story.  Henry had developed a rash and that weekend it really started to bother him.  Pediatrician told us to give him children’s Benadryl.  We gave him medicine and it made him tired, he took the best nap that day.  Ryan and I knew immediately we were giving him Benadryl before the flight.  Judge all you want but guess what Henry slept through that flight and it was a whole lot less stressful on us and everyone around us.

Alright, so drugging up my kid before my flight is not my solution to flying with a child. I obviously need advice on how to get through a flight with a very active toddler.  Do you have any suggestions on how to narrow down my bags? Should we go back to flying at night?  Is there anyway I can get him to just sit peacefully in our laps or sleep without medicine?  I love traveling and I want to travel with Henry so I will take all the advice I can get!  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My Tough Guys!

What a weekend!  Ryan and I went to Lubbock with are Arkansas friends.  I hadn't been back to Lubbock to watch Tech play in 7 years!  We got there Friday and attempted to go to Chimy’s but of course the line was too long so we just headed to Crickets.  Gosh how things have changed.  I would have been standing and partying all night long when I was in college.  Instead we ordered food and a few rounds of drinks and then headed home.  The best part was my cousin is at Tech and I got to take her out with us.  I love having family go to my Alumni and I love seeing Ashley!!  

I won’t get into details but of course my phone fell out of my bag when we were at Crickets, luckily the Manager found it and I was able to get it back.

Saturday, we got up and headed out to go walk around the tailgating area.  Again how things have changed.  In college I would have been out there first thing in the morning and had tailgates to go to.  

For those of you that watched the game you know the game was a bust but at least my Arkansas friends were happy!  We did have a good time and the weather was PERFECT!!!  I hate to see Tech lose but I get it they are a young team.  

We headed out early Sunday I couldn't wait to get home to see my little man.  I know he loves being with Gigi (my mom) but I miss him so much.  My mom sent some cute pictures of him when we were away.  
Henry kept going to the Magnet of Ryan and I and saying Mama, Dada and then kissing it!  

Getting ready for Halloween!

He loved helping Gigi clean!

That evening we were sitting around talking and of course Henry was running around and next thing you know he goes running, trips, and lands head first into the coffee table.  We rush to the ER and 5 stitches later and McDonald's we finally headed home.  I was a hot mess at first but to see how tough Ryan and Henry were was so helpful.  My mom was with us as well, thank goodness because she helped out so much.  She got wet rags to stop the bleeding parked the car and went and got Henry food.  I am so glad she was there to help. She took care of the things that needed to be done but allowed us three to stay together as a family.  

Ryan was like super dad as soon as he saw the cut he said Henry needed stitches kept reminding me it was ok and held Henry when it was time for the stitches.  That guy was and is my rock, glad I have him around!  Henry cried for like 5 min after he fell and just a second when they put the first and last stitch in.  He even pointed out that there was a baby on TV in the middle of getting stitch up.  Seriously, I have the toughest little boy!

Monday which I know isn't part of the weekend but we had so much fun, I have to tell.  We had a full on Dance party.  I don’t know why we don’t do it more but we were all getting a workout in.  Henry was so funny he usually dances a bit when we do this but last night he was getting down!  I wish I could have set up a video recorder in the corner of the room.  Sorry there are no pictures but I was too busy dancing!  

I hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What a weekend!

What a weekend.  I was a single mom this weekend and I thank GOD every day that I have an amazing husband and daddy for Henry.  I admire all you single parents out there I defiantly wouldn't want to do it by myself.   I did love the time just Henry and I.  I didn't take many pictures I am so bad about taking pictures. 

Thursday night we took Ryan to the airport so by the time we got home it was time to eat dinner and go to bed.  I tried to plan ahead, I made a few casseroles that I could just heat up for dinner.  It was great to save on time but not so great for a little boy that is slowly becoming a picky eater at dinner. 

Friday, we hung out at the house and played with Gary (our dog).  

Have you seen cuter bed head! Got to love Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Saturday, is when the fun began!  We went and checked on the house and then went to hang out with Maddox and see how his big boy room was turning out!  Those boys are going to be trouble together they are so fun to watch.  Of course I got no pictures.  After Maddox’s house we went to watch football and hung out with Joe and Lexi.  Let me tell you that Lexi girl is going to boss those boys around when she gets older.  It was awesome Henry fell asleep at 6:30pm and didn’t get up till 6:45am! I wasn't far behind him in bed. 

Sunday, we started our morning watching Tech’s football game from the night before.  I am no football expert but omg they have got to figure things out.  Maybe Kliff Kingsbury should stay out of the media for a bit and concentrate on the team.  I love you Kliff, you are very good looking (not as handsome as my husband), I loved watching you play when I was at Tech, and I think you can do great things for Tech so let’s work on that!  After that stressful game I had to go for a run and I have the best little running partner.  We cut our run short to have brunch with family.  I am so lucky my family is so great with Henry and my brother he is AMAZING with Henry!   

                                         Henry Loves Whip Cream!
Henry then helped me clean the house (or feed Gary his snack)! Pretty exciteing weekend can’t wait till the next one!

Henry insisted I paint his toes to match mommy's!
We got one toe and then he was over it.